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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Ly Dina will come to the table to clarify the third of the family's split of Sovannara and Chhin Chan Sotheary on this weekend's Saturday!

(Phnom Penh): The female actress Lina Dina, after the art market has been busy, has been rumored to have become a third in the story of Sovan Makara's family and Chhin Chan Sotheary, as she herself has not been involved with Sovann Makara.

Regarding this, Lynina will be presenting in an interview of the "Outdoor Secrets of the Stars" program by broadcasting live on Fresh News TV and Khmer Talking on Saturday 10th of February.

Noteworthy is the fact that actress Lipin Lynn, who is currently very popular in the art market, is busy with filming various drama series on TV shows. With artistic talent and fresh beauty, the star does not have her spare time, always seeing her busy all the time with her acting career.

Turning to the case that Ms. Lida is the third person, the public did not fully understand the details, as the charges remained for her, even though she had not been involved with Mr. Sovannara.

Regarding this, Lida will come to her own version to showcase her audience through the "Mysterious Mysteries of the Stars" program on Saturday, February 10, 2018, at 7:00 to 8:00 pm on Fresh News TV and Khmer Talking, and will air again on Sunday, February 11, 2018.

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